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Calvin and Calvinism » Name Index [S-T]

Name Index [S-T]

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Samson, W.G. (1819-1896)

W.G. Samson on the Invalid Use of the Negative Inference

Sarcerius, Erasmus (1501-1559)

Erasmus Sarcerius on the Death of Christ

Erasmus Sarcerius on God’s Will for the Salvation of All Men

Erasmus Sarcerius on the Gospel

Erasmus Sarcerius on Conditional Predestination

Saurin, James (1677-1730)

James Saurin on the Death of Christ

James Saurin on God’s Will for the Salvation of Sinners

James Saurin on the Longsuffering of God

James Saurin on John 3:16

James Saurin on Supralapsarianism

Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

Philip Schaff on John Henry Heidegger on Amyraldianism: Disapproved Of, But Not Heresy

Schreiner, Thomas R.

Thomas R. Schrener on 2 Peter 3:9

Sclater, William (1575-1627)

William Sclater on the General Love of God

William Sclater on Common Grace

William Sclater on Romans 2:4-5

William Sclater on Reprobation

William Sclater on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death

William Sclater on Zanchi on ‘Each Man is Bound to Believe he has been Elected’

Scott, Thomas (1747-1821)

Thomas Scott: Pre-20th Century Historiography on Calvin on the Extent of the Atonement

Scudder, Henry (d. 1652)

Henry Scudder (Westminster Divine) on the Death of Christ

Sedgwick, Obadiah (1600?-1658)

Obadiah Sedgwick on the Foedus Hypotheticum

Shedd, William, G.T. (1820-1894)

William Shedd on the Death of Christ

William Shedd on God’s Desire and Compassion for the Salvation of All Men

William Shedd on God’s Universal and Special Love

William Shedd on the Free Offer of the Gospel

William Shedd on John 3:16

William Shedd on 1 John 2:2

William Shedd on Work of the Trinity in the Salvation of Man

William Shedd on the Removal of Legal Obstacles

William Shedd on Double Jeopardy and Double Payment

The Double Payment Dilemma Legitimately Applied, by way of Jonathan Edwards and W.G.T. Shedd

William Shedd on Quantitative Equivalency Versus Qualitative Equivalency in the Death of Christ

William Shedd on the Distinction Between Atonement and Redemption

Archibald Alexander on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Inability

Shepard, Thomas (1605-1649)

Thomas Shepard on Common Grace (Informal Comment)

Thomas Shepard on the Free Offer of the Gospel and the Lord’s Desire for the Salvation of Men

Shultz, Gary

Gary Shultz on 2 Corinthians 5:14-15

Gary Shultz on 2 Corinthians 5:18-21

Gary Shultz on 1 Timothy 2:3-6

Sibbes, Richard (1577-1635)

Richard Sibbes on the Death of Christ

Richard Sibbes on General Love

Silversides, David

David Silversides on Matthew 23:37: An Effective Refutation of Hypercalvinist Exegesis

Simeon, Charles, (1759-1836)

Charles Simeon on John 1:29

Charles Simeon on John 3:16

Charles Simeon on John 3:17

Charles Simeon on 1 Timothy 2:3-4

Charles Simeon on 1 Timothy 2:5-6

Charles Simeon on 2 Peter 3:9

Skinner, Thomas H. (1791-1871)

Thomas H. Skinner on Calvin on the Extent of the Atonement

Smalley, John (1734-1820)

John Smalley on the Satisfaction of Christ in Relation to the Free Offer

John Smalley Eternal Salvation on No Account a Matter of Just Debt

John Smalley on the All-Sufficient Satisfaction of Christ

John Smalley on 1 Timothy 2:4

Smith, Henry B. (1815-1877)

Henry B. Smith on the Extent of the Atonement

Henry B. Smith on the Will of God

Henry B. Smith on the Well-Meant Offer and God’s Desire for the Salvation of All Men

Henry B. Smith on 1 Timothy 2:4 (With Reference to Hebrews 2:9)

Henry B. Smith on Divine Permission of Sin

Henry B. Smith on the Work of the Trinity in the Work of Redemption

Henry B. Smith on the Distinction Between Atonement and Redemption

Spear, Samuel (1812-1891)

Samuel Spear on Pecuniary and Penal Satisfaction

Spencer, Ichabod (1798-1854)

Ichabod Spencer on Ezekiel 33:11 (Part 1)

Ichabod Spencer on Ezekiel 33:11 (Part 2)

Ichabod Spencer (1798-1854) on God’s Willingness to Save All Men With Reference to 2 Peter 3:9, Ezekiel 33:11, and Matthew 23:37

Spring, Gardiner (1785-1873)

Gardiner Spring on Election, Unlimited Atonement and the Free Offer

Gardiner Spring on the Well-Meant Offer in Relation to the Death of Christ

Gardiner Spring on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Inability

Sproul, R.C. (1939-)

R.C. Sproul on the Death of Christ and Common Grace: Passing Comment

R.C. Sproul on the Revised Sufficiency-Efficiency Formula

Spurgeon, Charles H. (1834-1892)

Charles Spurgeon on Matthew 23:37

Charles Spurgeon on 1 Timothy 2:4

Stam, Clarence

Clarence Stam on the Covenant of Works

Stephens, Nathaniel (1606?-1678)

Nathaniel Stephens on the Death of Christ

Stock, Richard (1569-1626)

Richard Stock on God’s Goodness

Richard Stock on General Love

Richard Stock on Divine Hatred

Stoughton, John (1593?-1639)

John Stoughton on the Wrath of God

Strong, Augustus H. (1836-1921)

Augustus H. Strong on Calvin on the Extent of the Atonement

Struthers, J.P. (1851-1915)

Alexander F. Mitchell (1822-1899) and J. P. Struthers on Hypothetical Universalism and the Westminster Confession

Styles, William J.

William J. Styles on Christ Suffering So Much for So Much Sin

de Superville, Daniel (1657-1728)

Daniel de Superville on 2 Peter 3:9

Swinnock, George (1627-1673)

George Swinnock on General and Special Love

George Swinnock on Common Grace

George Swinnock on the Longsuffering of God

George Swinnock on John 3:16

Symington, William (1764-1831)

William Symington: Christ Did Not Suffer So Much For So Much Sin

William Symington: “Exact Equivalency” Voids the Sincere Offer of the Gospel

Symson, Archibald (1564-1628)

Archibald Symson on 2 Peter 2:1

Taffin, Jean (1529–1602)

Jean Taffin: The Offer of the Gospel: What it is, and What it is Not

Jean Taffin on Providence and Permission

Taylor, Thomas (1576-1633)

Thomas Taylor on Common Grace (Informal References)

Tennant, Dominic Bnonn

Dominic Bnonn Tennant on the Atonement: Federal Headship and Forensic Imputation

Testard, Paul (1594-1650)

Paul Testard affirms the classic Lombardian distinctions

Moses Amyraut and Paul Testard and the Synod of Alancon on ‘Conditional Will,’ ‘Conditional Decree,’ and ‘Conditional Predestination’

Thomas, G. Michael

G. Michael Thomas on Calvin and Heshusius

Thomas, Owen (1812-1891)

Owen Thomas on Andrew Fuller (1754-1815) on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Inability

Owen Thomas on Calvin on the Extent of the Atonement

Thornwell, James Henley (1812-1862)

James Henly Thornwell on God’s General Love and Matthew 5:44-55

Thysius, Antonius (1565-1640)

Synopsis Purioris Theologiae (1625) on God’s Providence With Regard to Sin and Divine Permission

Todd, Henry John (1763-1845)

Henry John Todd on Calvin on the Atonement

Tossanus, Daniel (1541-1602)

Daniel Tossanus on the Gracious Call of the Gospel

Daniel Tossanus on Ezekiel 18:23 and 32

Daniel Tossanus on John 3:16

Traill, Robert (1642-1716)

Robert Traill on Common and Special Grace

Trapp, John (1601-1669)

John Trapp on God’s General Love: By Way of his Comment on Acts 14:17

John Trapp on Matthew 23:37

John Trapp on John 3:16

John Trapp on Romans 2:4

John Trapp on 2 Peter 2:1

Trelcatius, Lucas (1573-1607)

Lukas Trelcatius on the Gracious Call and General Love to all Men

Troughton, William (1614?-1677?)

William Troughton on the Revised Sufficient-Efficient Formula

Trueman, Carl

Carl Trueman on John Owen’s Double-Payment Dilemma

Carl R. Trueman on Amyraldianism

Truman, Joseph (1631-1671)

Joseph Truman on the Death of Christ

Joseph Truman on God’s Will for the Salvation of all Men

Joseph Truman on the Love of God: General and Special

Joseph Truman on General and Special Grace; With Reference to Paradox of God’s Will for the Salvation of All Men and Special Election

Joseph Truman (1631-1671) on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Inability; With Reference to Twisse

Joseph Truman on Ezekiel 18:31-32

Joseph Truman on Luke 19:21 by way of His Discussion of Jesus’ Prayer in John 17

Joseph Truman on John 3:16 and John 12:47

Joseph Truman on God’s Permissive Decree and the Salvation of Men

Joseph Truman on the Removal of Legal Obstacles

Joseph Truman on Christ Suffering the Tantundem, not the Idem of the Law’s Punishment

Turretin, Francis (1623-1687)

Francis Turretin on the Will of God: Its Two-Fold aspect

Francis Turretin on God Desiring and Wishing that All Men be Saved

Francis Turretin on General Love

Francis Turretin on Common and Special Grace

Francis Turretin: the Reprobate not denied all of God’s favour

Francis Turretin on the Mercy of God

Francis Turretin on the Common Call

Francis Turretin’s Critique of Supralapsarianism

Francis Turretin on Divine Concurrence

Francis Turretin on God’s Providence Over Sin

Francis Turretin on the Revised Sufficient-Efficient formula

Turretine, John Alphonso (1671-1737)

John Alphonso Turretine on Supralapsarianism

Twisse, William (1578–1646)

William Twisse: The Forgotton Hypothetical Universalist

William Twisse on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Inability

William Twisse on Bucer on Conditional Predestination

William Twisse on Zanchi on Conditional Election

Tyler, Bennet (1783-1858)

Bennet Tyler on the Distinction Between Atonement and Redemption, By Way of Two Secondary Sources

Tyndale, William (1494–1536)

William Tyndale on the Death of Christ

William Tyndale on 1 Timothy 2:4