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Calvin and Calvinism » Name Index [W-X]

Name Index [W-X]

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Walaeus, Antonius (1573-1639)

Synopsis Purioris Theologiae (1625) on God’s Providence With Regard to Sin and Divine Permission

Waldren, Samuel

Samuel Waldron on God’s Will and Desire for the Salvation of All Men

Samuel Waldron on the Free Offer in Relation to God’s Desire that All Men Be Saved

Walker, George (1581–1651)

George Walker (Westminster Divine) on the Death of Christ

George Walker (Westminster Divine) on Divine Permission of Sin

Walker, James (1821-1891)

James Walker on the revision of the Sufficient-Efficient formula

Wardlaw, Ralph (1779-1853)

Ralph Wardlaw on the Extent of the Atonement

Ralph Wardlaw on Supralapsarianism

Ralph Wardlaw on the Double Payment Fallacy

Ralph Wardlaw on the Satisfaction of Christ in Relation to the Free Offer

Ralph Wardlaw on Quantitative Equivalency Versus Qualitative Equivalency in the Death of Christ

Ralph Wardlaw on John 3:16

Ralph Wardlaw on John 17:9

Ralph Wardlaw on the World of John 17:21 in Relation to the World of John 17:9

Ralph Wardlaw on 2 Peter 3:9

Ware, Bruce

Bruce Ware on God’s Universal Saving Revealed Will for the Salvation of All Men

Bruce Ware on God’s General and Special Love

Warfield, B.B. (1851-1921)

B.B. Warfield on the Removal of Legal Obstacles: An Exercise in Missing the Point

Edmund Calamy (1600-1666), (Westminster Divine), on the Divine Intentionality of the Revealed Will

Warne, Jonathan

Jonathan Warne on God’s Will for the Salvation of All Men

Warren, Thomas (1616-1694)

Thomas Warren on Christ Suffering the Tantundem, Not the Idem of the Law’s Punishment

Waterman, Elijah (1769-1825)

Elijah Waterman on Calvin on the Extent of the Atonement

Watts, Isaac (1674–1748)

Isaac Watts on Calvin on th Extent of the Atonement

Watson, Thomas (1620-1686)

Thomas Watson on Divine Mercy

Thomas Watson on Conditional Satisfaction (Contra Owen’s Double Payment Trilemma)

Thomas Watson on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death

Weeks, William R. (1783-1848)

William R. Weeks on the Will and Desire of God for the Salvation of All Men in Relation to the Sincere Gospel Offer

William R. Weeks on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Death Classically Defined and Defended

William R. Weeks on the Distinction Between Atonement and Redemption

William R. Weeks on the Distinction Between Natural Ability and Volition

The Exclusivity of the Intercession of Christ and the Argument for Limited Atonement

Welch, Ransom B. (1824-1890)

Ransom B. Welch on James Richards (1767-1843) on the Death of Christ

Ransom B. Welch on the Distinction Between Atonement and Redemption

Whately, William (1583-1639)

William Whately on God’s Willingness to Pardon All

William Whately Referencing Ezekiel 18:23

White, John (1570-1615)

John White on God’s Ordination and the Freedom of Man

Whitefield, George (1714-1770)

George Whitefield on God’s Love for All Declared in the Gospel

Williams, Daniel (1643?-1716)

Daniel Williams on Christ Suffering the Just Equivalent Not the Idem of the Law’s Punishment

Williams, Edward (1750-1813)

Edward Williams on Calvin on the Extent of the Atonement

Williams, Gryffith (1589?-1672)

Gryffith Williams on Conditional Satisfaction (Contra the Double-Payment dilemma)

Gryffith Williams on John 17:9

Willet, Andrew (1562-1621)

Andrew Willet on Romans 2:4

Andrew Willet on 2 Peter 2:1 by way of Jude 4

Andrew Willet on Calvin on the Extent of the Atonement

Wilson, Thomas (1563-1622)

Thomas Wilson on the General and Special Love of God

Thomas Wilson on Faith as Assurance

Thomas Wilson on Romans 2:4-5

Witsius, Herman (1636-1708)

Herman Witsius on General Love

Herman Witsius on the Revised Sufficient-Efficient Formula

Herman Witsius on Christ Suffering the Just Equivalent Not the Idem of the Law’s Punishment

Wodrow, Robert (1679-1734)

Robert Wodrow on John Cameron (1579-1625) on the Conditional Decree to Salvation and the Unconditional Decree to Faith

Wollebius, Johannes (1586-1629)

Johannes Wollebius on Common Special Grace in the Light of Depravity Due to Sin

Johannes Wollebius on Reprobation

Johannes Wollebius on the Providence of God

Johannes Wollebius on Fall of Man and God’s Providence and Decree

Johannes Wollebius on the Permissive Decree

Johannes Wollebius on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Satisfaction

Johannes Wollebius on God’s Conditional Revealed Will

Woodbridge, Benjamin (1622-1684)

Benjamin Woodbridge on Christ Suffering the Tantundem, not the Idem of the Law’s Punishment

Woods, Leonard (1774-1854)

Leonard Woods on the Extent of the Atonement

Leonard Woods on 2 Peter 2:1

Leonard Woods on the Distinction between Pecuniary and Penal Satisfaction

Leonard Woods on Quantitative Equivalency Versus Qualitative Equivalency in the Death of Christ

Wycliffe, John (1320s?-1384)

John Wycliffe on the Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin

John Wycliffe on John 1:29