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Calvin and Calvinism » Name Index [C-D]

Name Index [C-D]

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Calamy, Edmund (1600-1666)

Edmund Calamy on John 3:16

Edmund Calamy and Lazarus Seaman on the Removal of Legal Obstacles

Edmund Calamy, (Westminster Divine), on the Divine Intentionality of the Revealed Will

Calamy, Edmund (1671–1732)

Edmund Calamy on General and Special Grace (With Reference to John 3:16 and God’s Will for the Salvation of All Men)

Calvert, Thomas (1606-1679)

Thomas Calvert on the Revision of the Sufficient-Efficient formula

Calvin, John (1509-1564)

John Calvin on Unlimited Expiation, Sin-Bearing, Redemption and Reconciliation

John Calvin on Christ Coming For and Seeking the Salvation of the World and Reprobates

John Calvin on God’s Goodness To All

John Calvin on General Love

John Calvin’s Doctrine of the Grace of God

John Calvin on Special and Common Grace

John Calvin on Divine Mercy

John Calvin (1509-1564): God Gives Men Time to Repent

John Calvin on God’s Hatred of Sin and Sinner

John Calvin on How the Gospel Hardens

John Calvin on the Free Offer of the Gospel (Selection)

John Calvin on God’s Willing Permission of Sin (A Selection of Relevant Comments)

John Calvin on Faith as Assurance

John Calvin on the Economic Roles of the Trinity in the Work of Christ

John Calvin on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death

John Calvin, The Consensus Tigurinus and the Reconciliation of God to the World

John Calvin (1509-1564) on the General Election of Israel

John Calvin on God’s Conditional Will

John Calvin on the Efficacy of Baptism

John Calvin: The Meaning and Use of the Sacraments

John Calvin on Psalm 81:13

John Calvin on Lamentations 3:33

John Calvin on Ezekiel 18:23, 31-32 and 33:11: Relevant Citations

John Calvin on Isaiah 44:22

John Calvin on the Well-Meant Offer by way of Isaiah 65:2 and Romans 10:21

John Calvin on Matthew 5:45

John Calvin on Matthew 23:37

John Calvin on Luke 19:41

John Calvin on John 1:29

John Calvin on John 3:16

John Calvin on Romans 2:4

John Calvin on 2 Corinthians 5:20

John Calvin on Ephesians 2:3

John Calvin on 1 Timothy 2:4-6

John Calvin on Hebrews 10:29: Informal References

John Calvin on 2 Peter 2:1 and Jude 4

John Calvin on 2 Peter 3:9

John Calvin on 1 John 2:2 With Commentary by Charles Bell

Cameron, John (1579-1625)

John Cameron on the Death of Christ

John Cameron on the Order of the Decrees

Robert Wodrow (1679-1734) on John Cameron on the Conditional Decree to Salvation and the Unconditional Decree to Faith

John Cameron and Festus Hommius (1576-1642): The Synod of Dort and Regeneration

Candlish, Robert (1806-1873)

Robert Candlish on God’s Will and Desire for the Salvation of All Men

Robert Candlish on the Long-Suffering of God, in Relation to the Death of Christ

Robert Candlish on John 3:16

Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius (1478-1541)

Wolfgang Fabricius Capito on the Definition of Faith

Carleton, George (1559-1628)

George Carleton (English Delegate to Dort) on the Death of Christ

George Carleton, [et al], The Collegiate Suffrage of the Divines of Great Britain, Concerning the Five Articles Controverted At the Synod of Dort

George Carleton (English Delegate to Dort) on Reprobation Out of the Corrupt Mass

Carroll, B.H. (Benajah Harvey) (1843-1914)

B. H. Carroll on the Death of Christ

B.H. Carroll on Ezekiel 33:10-11

Carson, Donald A.

DA Carson on the Love of God

D.A. Carson on the Fallacy of the Negative Inference

D. A. Carson on Matthew 23:37

DA Carson on John 3:16-17

Catlin, Jacob (1786-1826)

Jacob Catlin on the Redemption of Christ

Chalmers, Thomas (1780-1847)

Thomas Chalmers on the Death of Christ

Thomas Chalmers on God’s Love to the World, with Reference to John 3:16, 1 John 2:2, and Unlimited Expiation

Thomas Chalmers on Particular Redemption and the Well-Meant Gospel Offer

Chambers, Neil

Neil Chambers on John Owen’s (1616-1683) Unbelief as a Sin Atoned For

Neil Chambers on the Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith: An Analysis of John Owen’s Arguments (Part 1)

Neil Chambers on the Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith: An Analysis of John Owen’s Arguments (Part 2)

Neil Chambers on the Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith: An Analysis of John Owen’s Arguments (Part 3: Ephesians 1:3)

Neil Chambers on the Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith: An Analysis of John Owen’s Arguments (Part 4: Hebrews 12:2)

Neil Chambers on the Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith: An Analysis of John Owen’s Arguments (Part 5: Faith and Christ’s Death)

Neil Chambers on the Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith: An Analysis of John Owen’s Arguments (Part 6: Gift or Purchase: Conclusion)

Neil Chambers on John Owen and the Covenant of Redemption: A Critical Evaluation

Chamblin, Knox

Knox Chamblin on Ransom as Deliverance: Not Payment

Charnock, Stephen (1628-1680)

Stephen Charnock on the Death of Christ

Stephen Charnock on the Goodness and Severity of God

Stephen Charnock on General Love

Stephen Charnock on Common Grace

Stephen Charnock: Divine Commands Presuppose Natural Ability

Stephen Charnock on John 1:29

Stephen Charnock on 1 Timothy 2:5-6

Stephen Charnock referencing Hebrews 2:9

Stephen Charnock on 2 Peter 2:1

Chrysostom (347-407)

Chrysostom on the Death of Christ

Chrysostom on John 1:29-31

Chrysostom on the Will of God for the Salvation of All Men: With Reference to God’s Precedent Will

Clarke, Samuel (1599-1682)

Samuel Clarke on Common Grace, General Mercies and the Death of Christ

Samuel Clarke on the Revised Sufficient-Efficient Formula

Clarkson, David (1622-1686)

David Clarkson on Non-Electing Love

Clifford, Abraham (fl. 1642)

Abraham Clifford on on Christ Suffering the Tantundem, Not the Idem of the Law’s Punishment

Clifford, Alan

Alan C. Clifford on Christ Suffering the Tantundem, not the Idem of the Law’s Punishment: Contra John Owen

Alan C. Clifford on the Double Payment Fallacy (An Evaluation of John’s Owen’s Trilemma Argument)

Allan Clifford on Calvin and 1 John 2:2

Alan Clifford on Calvin and Heshusius

Collinges, John (1623-1690)

John Collinges on General Love (From the Matthew Poole Commentaries)

John Collinges on 1 Timothy 2:4-6; With Reference to 2 Peter 3:9 (From the Matthew Poole Commentaries)

Colquhoun, John (1748-1827)

John Colquhoun on Assurance of Salvation in Marrow Theology

Corbet, John (1620-1680)

John Corbet on the Common and Special Grace of God

Costley, Steven

Understanding Calvin’s Argument Against Heshusius

Steven Costley, Hermeneutics of 2Peter 3:9—”Us all” or “you all”?

Cotton, John (1585–1652)

John Cotton on 2 Peter 2:1

Coverdale, Miles (1488-1568)

Miles Coverdale on the Death of Christ

Cox, Samuel H. (1793-1880)

Samuel H. Cox on the Extent of the Atonement

Samuel H. Cox on the Distinction Between Atonement and Redemption

Samuel H. Cox on Calvin on the Extent of the Atonement

Cranmer, Thomas (1489-1556)

Thomas Cranmer on Death of Christ

The Thirty-Nine Articles and the Atonement

Crawford, Thomas

God Desires Compliance to his Will and Commands as Standard Reformed Doctrine

Thomas Crawford on 1 John 2:2

Crisp, Oliver

Oliver Crisp on Hypothetical Universalism and the Synod of Dort

Oliver Crisp on Hypothetical Universalism and the Westminster Confession

Crocius, Ludovigus

Ludovigus Crocius on John 3:16

Culverwell, Ezekiel (1553/4-1631)

Ezekiel Culverwell on Christ as the Deed of Gift to All Mankind

Ezekiel Culverwell on the Desire of God for the Salvation of All Men and the Well-Meant Offer

Ezekiel Culverwell on John 3:16

Ezekiel Culverwell on God’s Conditonal Will in Relation to the Free Offer of the Gospel

Cunningham, William (1805-1861)

William Cunningham on the Revision of the Sufficient-Efficient Formula

William Cunningham on Christ Suffering the Tantundem, Not the Idem of the Law’s Punishment: With Attention to John Owen

William Cunningham on Calvin and Heshusius

Cyril of Jerusalem (313-386)

Cyril of Jerusalem on the Death of Christ

Dabney, Robert L. (1820-1898)

Robert L. Dabney on Unlimited Expiation and Limited Redemption

Robert L. Dabney on the Offer and Call of the Gospel

Robert L. Dabney on the Ordering of the Decrees

Robert L. Dabney on Mediate Imputation

Robert L. Dabney on the Double Payment Fallacy

Robert L. Dabney: A Sharp Lesson on the Negative Inference fallacy

Robert L. Dabney on The Death of Christ and Common Grace

Robert L. Dabney on  the Sufficiency of Christ’s Satisfaction: As Classically Defined

Robert L. Dabney on the Removal of Legal Obstacles

Robert L. Dabney (1820-1898) on Limited Imputation of Sin in Relation to the Free Offer

Robert L. Dabney on the Distinction between Pecuniary and Penal Satisfaction

Robert L. Dabney on Quantitative Equivalency Versus Qualitative Equivalency in the Death of Christ

Robert L. Dabney on Quantitative Equivalency and the Extent of the Satisfaction, With Replies from A.A. Porter and B.M. Palmer (1818-1902)

Robert L. Dabney on the Distinction Between Atonement and Redemption

Robert L. Dabney on Question 37 of the Heidelberg Catechism

Robert L. Dabney on Matthew 23:37: In Response to Turretin’s ‘Perilous Exegesis’

Robert L. Dabney on Luke 19:41 and His Chastising the “Extremists” Calvinists

Robert L. Dabney on 1 John 2:2 and John 3:16 (and 2 Cor 5:15)

Robert L. Dabney on John 3:16

Robert L. Dabney on 2 Corinthians 5:15

Robert L. Dabney on 1 Timothy 2:4-6

Robert L. Dabney on 1 John 2:2

Dagg, John L. (1794-1884)

John L. Dagg (1794-1884) on the Revealed Will

John L. Dagg on Christ Suffering So Much, for So Much Sin: Speculation Taking Us Down the Wrong Road

John L. Dagg Referencing the Distinction Between Atonement and Redemption

Daille, Jean (1594–1670)

Jean Daille on the Death of Christ

Jean Daille on Romans 2:4; With Reference to Ezekiel 33:11

Jean Daille as Faith as Assurance

Daniel, Curt

Curt Daniel on the Work of the Trinity in the Death of Christ

Curt Daniel on Calvin and Heshusius

Davenant, John (1572–1641)

John Davenant on the Death of Christ

John Davenant on God’s Will for the Salvation of All Men With Reference to His Gracious Gifts to Men

John Davenant on God’s General Love to Mankind

John Davenant: The Reprobate Not Denied Sufficient Grace

John Davenant on Divine Mercy and Justice

John Davenant on Divine Hatred of Sin and Sinner

John Davenant on the Danger of “Ordering” the Decrees of God

John Davenant on the Ordering of the Decrees: As Speculations of a “Crazed Brain”

John Davenant Contrasting Scotus with Calvin on the Ordering of the Decrees

Davenant on Bucer (with Zanchi) on ‘Each Man is Bound to Believe he has been Elected’

John Davanant on Conditional Decree

John Davenant on the Conditonal and Revealed ‘Intention’ of God for the Salvation of All Men

John Davenant on the Work of the Trinity in the Work of Redemption

John Davenant on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death

John Davenant and the Double Payment Fallacy

John Davenant [et al], The Collegiate Suffrage of the Divines of Great Britain, Concerning the Five Articles Controverted At the Synod of Dort

John Davenant (1572–1641): Limited Satisfaction Precludes the Salvability of the Non-Elect, Even If They Were to Believe

John Davenant on Calvin on the extent of the atonement

John Davenant on the Covenant: Conditional and Absolute

John Davenant on Ezekiel 33:11 and 18:32; With Reference to God’s “Conditional Will”

John Davenant on John 3:16

John Davenant on 1 Timothy 2:4

John Davenant on 2 Peter 3:9

Davies, Samuel (1723-1761)

Samuel Davies on Common Grace

Samuel Davies on the Free Offer in Relation to the Death of Christ

Samuel Davies on the Removal of Legal Obstacles

Dearman, J. Andrew

J. Andrew Dearman on Hosea 6:7

Dekker, Harold (1918-2006)

Harold Dekker and the Negative Inference Fallacy in Relation to the Argument for Limited Atonement

Harold Dekker on Dort and the True Design of the Atonement

Harold Dekker on John 17:9

Denlinger, Aaron C

Aaron C. Denlinger on Robert Baron (c. 1596-1639), Hypothetical Universalism, and Reformed Orthodoxy

Dent, Arthur (d. 1607)

Arthur Dent: Christ Died for all Sufficiently

Dick, John (1764-1833)

John Dick on the Goodness of God: General and Special

John Dick on God’s Geneal Love and Goodness

John Dick on Christ Suffering the Just Equivalent Not the Quantum of the Law’s Punishment

Dickson, David (1583-1662)

David Dickson on God’s Love and Goodness to Man

Dillistone, F.W., (1903-1993)

F.W. Dillistone on Federal Theology: Analysis and Critique

Diodati, John (1576-1649)

John Diodati on John 3:16

John Diodati on 2 Peter 2:1

John Diodati on 2 Peter 3:9

Dodsworth, William (1798-1861)

William Dodsworth: Limited Atonement Undercuts Culpability

William Dodsworth on Limited Redemption and the Falsity of the Conditional, If You Believe, You Will Be Saved

William Dodsworth on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Inability Relative to the Death of Christ

Duke, Thomas

Thomas Duke on 2 Peter 3:9

Du Moulin, Pierre (1568-1658)

Pierre Du Moulin on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death

Durham, James (1622-1658)

James Durham (Westminster Divine) on the Differences Between Common and Saving Grace

Dwight, Timothy (1752-1817)

Timothy Dwight on the Double Payment Fallacy