Consensus Tigurinus:

IV. Christ, Priest and King,

We must therefore regard Christ in His flesh as a Priest, who has expiated our sins by His death, the only Sacrifice, blotted out all our iniquities by His obedience, procured for us a perfect righteousness, and now intercedes for us that we may have access to God; as an expiatory Sacrifice whereby God was reconciled to the world; as a Brother, who from wretched sons of Adam has made us blessed sons of God; as a Restorer (Reparator), who by the power of His Spirit transforms all that is corrupt (vitiosum) in us, that we may no longer live unto the world and the flesh, and God himself may lire in us; as a King, who enriches us with every kind of good, governs and preserves us by His power establishes us with spiritual arms, delivers us from every evil, and restrains and directs us by the sceptre of His mouth; and He is to be so regarded, that He may lift us up to Himself, very God, and to the Father, until that shall be fulfilled which is to be at last, that God be all in all. John Calvin, “The Consensus Tigurinus: The Formula Consensus Helvetica,” in AA Hodge, Outlines of Theology, 652.

Latin: 4. Christus sacerdos. Christus Rex.

Ita Christus in carne sua considerandus est nobis sacerdos, qui peccata nostra unico mortis suae sacrificio expiavit, qui omnes nostras iniquitates delevit sua obedientia, qui perfectam nobis iustitiam comparavit, qui nunc intercedit pro nobis, ut accessus nobis ad Deum pateat. Considerandus est tanquam victima expiatrix, qua placatus est Deus mundo. Considerandus est frater, qui nos ex miseris Adae filiis effecit beatos Dei filios. Considerandus est reparator, qui spiritus sui virtute reformat quicquid in nobis est vitiosum, ut mundo vivere desinamus et carni, ac deus ipse in nobis vivat. Considerandus est Rex, qui omni bonorum genere nos ditat, qui nos gubernat sua virtute, ac tuetur, qui spiritualibus nos armis instruit, ut adversus diabolum et mundum invicti stemus qui nos ab omni noxa liberat, qui oris sui sceptro nos moderatur ac regit. Atque ita considerandus, ut ad se Deum verum, et patrem nos evehat, donec impleatur illud, quod tandem futurum est, nempe, ut sit Deus omnia in omnibus.

[Note: It looks very apparent that the Beveridge English translation of this simply leaves out the critical line: “as an expiatory Sacrifice whereby God was reconciled to the world.”]

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