Let us therefore as many as desire to know our reconciliation with God through Christ, prove ourselves whither we be in the faith or not [1 Cor. 13:5]: the old distinction of the School-men borrowed of Augustine, in question touching the extent of Christ’s merit, may in fit place be discussed: this once is agreed on all sides, except the Chilasts, that howsoever there be a sufficiency of worth in Christ’s merit to reconcile all; yet the efficacy thereof reaches only to such as believe. It concerns us therefore for our comfort, diligently to try and examine our confidence.
Wiliam Sclater, A Key to the Key of Scripture, or An Exposition with Notes upon the Epistle to the Romanes. 2nd ed. (London: Printed by T.C. for Nicolas Fussell and Humphrey Mosley, and are to be sold at the Ball in Paus Church yard, near the Great North Doore, 1629), 3221. [Some spelling modernized, verses cited inline; underlining mine.]
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