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Calvin and Calvinism » Blog Archive » John Trapp (1601-1669) on John 3:16

John Trapp (1601-1669) on John 3:16

   Posted by: CalvinandCalvinism   in John 3:16


Verse 16. God so loved the world,] This is a sic without a sicut, there being nothing in nature wherewith to parallel it. The world, that is, all mankind fallen in Adam. This the Apostle fitly calls God’s Philanthropy, Tit. 3.4. it being a sweet favor to the whole kind of us, that any be saved by Christ.

John Trapp, A Brief Commentary or Exposition Vpon the Gospel According to St John (London: Printed by G.M. for John Bellamy, and are to be sold his his Shop, at the Signe of the three Golden-Lyons in Cornehill, near the Royal Exchange, 1646), 16.

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