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Calvin and Calvinism » Blog Archive » John Trapp (1601-1669) on Matthew 23:37

John Trapp (1601-1669) on Matthew 23:37

   Posted by: CalvinandCalvinism   in Matthew 23:37


Verse 37. How often would I, &c.] How then could they perish, whom God would have saved? It is answered, Voluntas Dei Alia est præcepti, revelata Antecedens, alia beneplaciti, arcana consequens. By the former God willed their conversion, but not by the later. A King wills the welfare of all his Subjects; yet he will not acquit those that are laid for treason, murder, and like foul crimes. A father is willing to give his son the inheritance; yet if he prove an unthrift, he’ll put him beside it, and take another. How oft would I have gathered? that is (say some) by the external Ministry of the Prophets, sent unto thee, verse 34, 35. Not by internal regenerating operation of the Spirit.

in Levit. 12.

Even as a hen gathers her chickens] Columbarum Masculus ispe ovis  incubat, sicut Christus ipse ecclesiam, suam sovet. Of unreasonable creatures, birds, and of birds, the hen excels in kindness to her young; so that she doubts not, in their defence, to encounter a Kite, a Dog, &c. Iniquo & impari prælio, though with greatest disadvantage.


And you would not] Men may nill their conversion then, though called by God.  Quo nihil est verius, sed & nihil turpius, says one.

Cesset voluntas
propia & non
orit infernus

If there were no will, there would be no hell, John 12:39. Therefore they could not believe: they could not, that is, they would not, says Theophylact out of Chrysostom, who yet usually extolls man’s free-will more than is meet.

John Trapp, A Commentary or Exposition Upon All the Books of the New Testament, (London: Printed by R.W. and to be sold by Nath. Ekins, at the Gun in Pauls Church-yard, 1656), 292. [Some reformatting; some spelling modernized; marginal side references cited inline; and italics original.]

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