Verse. 17. He left not himself] Here they might object that God in suffering men so to wander, shewed not himself so kind and bountiful. The Apostle answers, that God had sufficiently sealed up his general love and goodness, in doing good, giving rain from heaven, &c. Stars are the store-houses of God’s treasure, which he opens to our profit, Deut. 28.12. By their influence they make a scatter of riches upon the earth, which good men gather, bad men scamble for. Every [one] of the heavenly bodies is a purse of gold, out of which God throws down riches and plenty upon the earth.
John Trapp, A Commentary or Exposition Upon all the Books of the New Testament (London: Printed by R.W. and are to be sold by Nath. Ekins, at the Gun in Pauls Church-yeard, 1656), 566.
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