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Calvin and Calvinism » Sources on ‘Conditional Decree/Will’

Sources on ‘Conditional Decree/Will’

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‘Conditional Decree/Will’


  1. Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) on Conditional Predestination
  2. Erasmus Sarcerius on Conditional Predestination
  3. Martin Bucer (1491-1551) on Conditional Predestination
  4. John Calvin (1509-1564) on the General Election of Israel
  5. Amyraut (1596-1664) on Conditional Predestination
  6. William Twisse (1578–1646) on Bucer (1491-1551) on Conditional Predestination
  7. Jacob Kimedoncius (d. 1596) on Wolfgang Musculus (1497-1563): All Men Conditionally Appointed to Life
  8. Girolamo Zanchi (1516-1590) on All Men are Bound to Believe in their Election in Christ
  9. William Twisse (1578–1646) on Zanchi on Conditional Election
  10. John Davenant (1572–1641) on Bucer (with Zanchi) on ‘Each Man is Bound to Believe he has been Elected’
  11. William Sclater (1575-1627) on Zanchi on ‘Each Man is Bound to Believe he has been Elected’
  12. Experience Mayhew (1673-1758) on William Twisse (1578–1646) on “Each Man is Bound to Believe that Christ Died for Him”
  13. Matthew Harmon on Moses Amyraut (1596-1664) on ‘General Conditional Election’


  1. John Cameron (1579-1625) on the Order of the Decrees
  2. Robert Wodrow (1679-1734) on John Cameron (1579-1625) on the Conditional Decree to Salvation and the Unconditional Decree to Faith
  3. John Davenant (1572–1641) on Conditional Decree
  4. Bishop Joseph Hall (1574–1656), on “Conditional Decree,” “Will,” and “intention” in Early Reformation Theology
  5. Moses Amyraut (1596-1664) on God’s Conditional Decree
  6. Moses Amyraut (1596-1664)and Paul Testard (1594-1650) and the Synod of Alancon on ‘Conditional Will,’ ‘Conditional Decree,’ and ‘Conditional Predestination’
  7. Richard Baxter (1615-1691) on God’s Conditional Decree
  8. Edward Polhill on ‘Conditional Decree’ as Will Revealed
  9. Hermann Venema (1697-1787) on Conditional Decree


  1. John Davenant (1572–1641) on the Conditional and Revealed ‘Intention’ of God for the Salvation of All Men
  2. Edmund Calamy (1600-1666), Westminster Divine, on the Divine Intentionality of the Revealed Will
  3. Theophilus Gale (1628-1678) on the Divine Intentionality of the Revealed Will


  1. The Hungarian Confessio Catholica (1562) on God’s General Conditional and Saving Will
  2. John Calvin (1509-1564) on God’s Conditional Will
  3. Girolamo Zanchi (1516–1590) the Conditional Will of God
  4. John Davenant (1572–1641) on Ezekiel 33:11 and 18:32; With Reference to God’s “Conditional Will”
  5. Moses Amyraut (1596-1664) on God’s Conditional Will for the Salvation of All Men
  6. Amandus Polanus (1561-1610) on God’s Conditional Revealed Will
  7. Henry Ainsworth (1571-1622) on God’s Conditional Will for the Salvation of All Men
  8. Johannes Wollebius on God’s Conditional Revealed Wil
  9. Ezekiel Culverwell (1553/4-1631) on God’s Conditonal Will in Relation to the Free Offer of the Gospel
  10. Richard Maden (ca. 1591-1677) on God’s Will for the Salvation of all Men: With Reference to Psalm 18:13, Matthew 23:37, 1 Timothy 2:2-4, and 2 Peter 3:9
  11. Edward Leigh (1602-1671) on God’s Conditional Revealed Will
  12. Nathanael Ball (1623–1681) on Christ’s Absolute and Conditional Will
  13. Richard Baxter (1615-1691) on God’s Conditional Will