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Calvin and Calvinism » The Well-Meant Offer

The Well-Meant Offer

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The Well-Meant Offer

  1. Sarcerius Erasmus (1501-1559) on the Gospel
  2. Philip Melancthon (1497-1560) on the Free Offer With Reference to John 3:16
  3. John Calvin (1509-1564) on How the Gospel Hardens
  4. John Calvin (1509-1564) on the Free Offer of the Gospel (Selection)
  5. John Calvin (1509-1564) on the Well-Meant Offer by way of Isaiah 65:2 and Romans 10:21
  6. Augustine Marlorate (1506-1562) on the Well-Meant Offer
  7. Peter Martyr Vermigli (1499-1563) on the Free Offer
  8. Heinrich Bullinger (1504–1575) on the Call and Offer of the Gospel
  9. Thomas Lever (1521–1577) on the Earnest Call and the Death of Christ
  10. John Foxe (1517-1587) on the Free Offer of God’s Friendship
  11. Jean Taffin (1529–1602), The Offer of the Gospel: What it is, and What it is Not
  12. Daniel Tossanus (1541-1602) on the Gracious Call of the Gospel
  13. Robert Rollock on the Grace Call of God to the Elect and to the Reprobate
  14. Lucas Trelcatius (1573-1607) on the Gracious Call and General Love to all Men
  15. John Preston (1587-1628) on the Well-Meant Offer
  16. John Ball (1585-1640) on the Free Offer of the Gospel
  17. Thomas Shepard (1605-1649) on the Free Offer of the Gospel and the Lord’s Desire for the Salvation of Men
  18. Richard Vines (1600-1655/6) on the Free Offer
  19. John Owen (1616-1683) on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Death as the Foundation of the Gospel Offer
  20. Thomas Jacombe (1623-1687) on the Well-Meant Offer
  21. Turretin on the Common Call
  22. William Burkitt (1650-1703) on the Universal Tenders of the Gracious Gospel by way of Titus 2:11-12
  23. The Gracious Offer of the Gospel by way of Titus 2:11-12 from the Matthew Henry Commentaries
  24. Wilhemus a’ Brakel (1635-1711) on the Gracious Call and Gospel Offer
  25. Thomas Halyburton (1674-1712) on the Free Offer of the Gospel
  26. Johannes VanderKemp (1664-1718) on the Well-Meant Offer
  27. Thomas Ridgeley (1667?-1734) on the Free Offer
  28. Samuel Davies (1723-1761) on the Free Offer in Relation to the Death of Christ
  29. Robert Murray M’Cheyne (1813-1843) on the Offer and Call of Christ
  30. Robert Balmer (1787–1844) on the Free Offer of the Gospel and God’s Will and Desire for the Salvation of All Men
  31. Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847) on Particular Redemption and the Well-Meant Gospel Offer
  32. John Brown of Broughton (1784–1858) on John 3:16 in Relation to the Free Offer
  33. William Bullein Johnson on the Well-Meant Offer
  34. Gardiner Spring (1785-1873) on the Well-Meant Offer in Relation to the Death of Christ
  35. Henry B. Smith (1815-1877) on the Well-Meant Offer and God’s Desire for the Salvation of All Men
  36. Charles Hodge (1797-1878) on The Universal and Free Offer of the Gospel
  37. Robert Dabney (1820-1898) on the Offer and Call of the Gospel
  38. W.G.T. Shedd (1820-1894) on the Free Offer of the Gospel
  39. A.C. de Jong on the Free Offer: God Offers in and Through the Ministerial Offer
  40. A.C. de Jong: The Gospel Call is a Call to Come to the Person of Christ; As Opposed to Assent to Facts and Commands
  41. John Murray on the Well-Meant Offer
  42. Samuel Waldron on the Free Offer in Relation to God’s Desire that All Men Be Saved