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Calvin and Calvinism » Blog Archive » Augustine Marlorate on the Well-Meant Offer

Augustine Marlorate on the Well-Meant Offer

   Posted by: CalvinandCalvinism   in The Well-Meant Offer

[Explanatory Note: Marlorate often references the “offer of grace,” or the “offer of mercy” or the “offer of pardon,” and so forth. But he rarely elaborates further. Here, however, we find some explicit connections between the offer, itself, and the disposition of grace and favor on the part of God and Christ in the offer.]


1) “And I went to the Angell.”

A. [Marlorate] John refuses not the benefit that is offered him, he alleges not his own worthiness, he puts no doubt that perchance he shall not obtain it: but perceiving himself to be counseled by God, he demanded the Book of the Angel. Even so as often as God calls us to the partaking of his benefits, we must reverently and soberly receive the things that his Fatherly liberality offers unto us, except we will be counted double unthankful. Therefore let them see what answer they can make unto Christ, who leaving him, do with divelishly superstition run unto dead Saints, or rather to dumb stocks and Idols, when they would obtain any benefit. For it is not for nought that Christ has said, “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you,” Matt. 11.28. Also, “he that comes unto me shall not hunger, and he that believes in me shall not thirst for ever,” John. 6.35. Also, “if any man thirst, let him come to unto me and drink,” John. 7.37. “If he ask anything of the Father in my name, he will give it you,” John. 16.23. And S. James says, “If any of you want wisdom let him ask it of him that gives, namely of God, who” (I say), “gives to all men freely without upbraiding: and it shall be given unto him,” James 1.5.

“And he said unto me, take the book.”

Like as John does not demand the book before he was bidden by the Angel: so now being commanded and advised to ask it, he asks it boldy & obtains it, to the intent we may know that God allures us not to deceive us. G. [Gaspar Megander] Hereupon are these sayings of Christ, “Ask, and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find: knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asks receives,” &c, Mat. 7.7,8.  Augustine Marlorate, A Catholike exposition vpon the Reuelation of Sainct Iohn, (Printed by H. Binneman, for L. Harison, and G. Bishop, 1574),) Rev. 10:10, p., 145b. [Some spelling modernized and formatting modified.]

2) A. [Marlorate] Then let us learn in season to shun this great wrath, that we be not compelled to feel the greatness of it with the ungodly. Let us humbly say unto God, “turn away thy wrath from us,” Psal. 85.4. And seeing that Christ sits now upon the thrown of mercy, and calls all men to amendment: we must beware that we abuse not his graciousness, nor despise not his mercy, as though it could stand us in no stead, upon trust of our own works. But rather let us go with faith to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find favor to be helped in due season. Hebr. 4.16. “For Lo, now is the time of accepting into favor, now is the day of Salvation,” 2 Cor. 6.2. But then shall be the time of punishment & the day of vengeance, howbeit unto those only which have despised the time of Salvation adn grace through froward unthankfulness. Augustine Marlorate, A Catholike exposition vpon the Reuelation of Sainct Iohn, (Printed by H. Binneman, for L. Harison, and G. Bishop, 1574),) Rev. 14:19, pp,. 218-219. [Some spelling modernized and formatting modified.]

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