
We have now made manifest unto you, hat all the tyranny of DEATH is extinguished, and we delivered from the servile yoke thereof, by the means, and conquest of this our Triumphant PRINCE. When I say DEATH, I understand also thereby the whole army or violence of mischiefs, which any ways annoy our life, both these which were the cause of DEATH, and those also that accompany, and follow it.

The Law
abrogated by
Christ. Rom. 6.

For DEATH, of itself is nothing else, but the punishment, and wages for SIN, (according to Paul’s saying) even as “the strength of SIN is the law.” For where no Law is, there is no Transgression, “there the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven, against all ungodliness of men, which withhold the truth in unrighteousness.” And to this wrath we were all sometime subject, “being dead in Sin and serving Satan the Prince of this world,” under whose kingdom we were all wretched, and miserable. For what greater thrall, or more extreme misery could there happen, than that SATAN, troubling, and disturbing all things as he listed [wished], should bear all the sway, and alone usurp the kingdom, being not conquerable by any force of Nature, or power of Prince? All things being thus in a desperate case, the more glorious did the power of this our grand Champion appear, who with a marvelous victory, and singular overthrow, by suffering subdued the Enemy, and having vanquished the tyranny of DEATH by death, opened the everlasting gate of immortality to all that would come and enter therein. Wherefore he willing to communicate the fruit of this his benefit with all, who draws all unto himself, cries in the Gospel, saying, “Come under me, all you that labor, and are heaven laden, and I will refresh you,” [Matt. 11.]. And as he does accept all sorts of men, in that he invites, and allures all: so he excepts [excludes] no of burden, or grief, who promises that he will refresh us in all, and disburden us of them all.

John Foxe, Christ Triumphant (London: Printed by Iohn Daye, and Richard his Sonne, dwelling at Aldergate, 1579), 13a-41a. [Some reformatting, some spelling modernized; marginal references cited inline; square bracketed insert mine; and underlining mine.]

[Note: This point is important in the light 1) of the drift into the hypercalvinist doctrine of eternal justification (Gill, Hoeksema, et al); and 2) the tendency to deny that the living unbelieving elect were ever actually objects of and recipients of the punishing wrath of God (Owen, Girardeau, et al). Such a denial directly contradicts the plain force of Scripture.]

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