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Calvin and Calvinism » Blog Archive » Musculus on John 3:16

Musculus on John 3:16

   Posted by: CalvinandCalvinism   in John 3:16


1) M. [Musculus] This the Evangelist adds because of the words of Mary and Martha which the told by the message unto the Lord, saying, “Lord, behold he whom thou loves is sick.” Jesus loved not only Lazarus but also his sisters. By that is to say all this household and family which were Godly disposed. M. [Musculus] For Christ loved all men in that he came into the world to be the savior and redeemer of all men, and not only those which were then living, but those also which should be upon the earth unto the world’s end.

Source: Augustine Marlorate, A Catholike and Ecclesiasticall exposition of the holy Gospel after S. Iohn, trans., Thomas Timme (Imprinted at London by Thomas Marshe, Anno Domini. 1575), John 11:5, p., 398. [Some spelling modernized.]

2) 4. The fourth argument of the love of God towards man, is in the death of the only begotten, whereunto he was delivered for the redemption of our kind. “For as much as children,” says the Apostle, “has to do with flesh, and blood, he was also like made partaker of them, to the intent that by his death, he might abolish him, who had the rule of death, that is the Devil,” &c. And whereupon came this? In this says John appeared the love of God towards us, that he sent his Son into the world to be the propitiation for our sins. And the Apostle: “God,” (says he) does set forth his love towards us in that when we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,” (Rom. 5.). “If God be fore us, who is against us, who spared not his own Son, but gave him for us all, and how is it possible but that he should give us all things also with him,” &c. “Who shall disseaver [separate] us from the from the love of God?” And the only begotten of God himself says: “So God loved the world,” (says he), “that he gave his only begotten Son, that everyone which believes in him, should not perish, but have life everlasting,” (John. 3.). So that by the world he means all mankind. Wolfgangus Musculus, Common Places of Christian Religion, trans., by Iohn Merton (London: Imprinted by Henry Bynneman, 1578), 962-963.

[I have extracted this from his section (already posted) on the love of God to man. However, I consider this comment was also relevant and explicit enough to be posted in the John 3:16 category as well. Musculus believed that the love of John 3:16 was an expression of God’s general love and compassion to mankind as a whole; c.f., Calvin saying the same.]

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 25th, 2008 at 7:06 am and is filed under John 3:16. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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  1. Wolfgang Musculus’ Doctrine of Unlimited Atonement | Theology Online: Theology, Back to the Basics    Oct 10 2008 / 8am:

    […] In this quotation we see lots of connections. Firstly, “world” here in 1 Jn 2:2 means “all mankind.” What is more, this “world” consists mankind from its beginning to the end: that is, is all men who have lived, live and will live. What is more, this expiation as the basis for forgiveness is appointed to all men. The motive that causes this unlimited expiation is God’s love towards man and God’s general grace, and his unwillingness that any man perish. Musculus does the same thing for the “world” of John 3:16; see here. […]

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