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Calvin and Calvinism » Blog Archive » Laurence Proctor on Amyraut’s “Christ Died Equally For All”

Laurence Proctor on Amyraut’s “Christ Died Equally For All”

   Posted by: CalvinandCalvinism   in Historiography


78. De Grat (Gen) 116-7.  In this way, Amyraut could say that Christ died equally for all. In the statement that Christ died pro omnibus equiliter (explained Daillé, Apologiae ii 632), the theologians of Saumur meant the adverb to signify that there is none for whom Christ did not die; it does not mean that all are equal in affection or will of God in giving Christ to die. Cf. Drost, Specimen 25: Amyraut and Testard explained the death of Christ for all equally in terms of sufficiency.

For the of the Synod on this matter, see Quick, Synod ii 354: “Whereupon, although the Assembly were well satisfied, yet nevertheless they decreed that for the future that the phrase of Jesus Christ’s dying equally for all, should be forborne, because the term equally was formerly, and might be so again, an occasion of stumbling for many.”

Amyraut explained the two uses of the adverb in De Grat (Gen) 223.

Lawrence Proctor, “The Theology of Moïse Amyraut Considered as a Reaction Against Seventeenth-Century Calvinism” (Ph.D. diss., University of Leeds, 1952),  footnote 78, p., 376. [Note: Proctor’s oringinal underlining converted to italics.]

Credit to Tony

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