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Calvin and Calvinism » The Distinction Between Natural and Moral Ability

The Distinction Between Natural and Moral Ability

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The Distinction Between Natural and Moral Ability

  1. Augustine (354–430) on the Moral-Natural Ability Distinction as Cited by William Twisse (1578–1646)
  2. William Twisse (1578–1646) on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Inability
  3. Joseph Truman (1631-1671) on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Inability; With Reference to Twisse
  4. Thomas Manton (1620-1677) on Moral and Natural Ability: Informal Reference
  5. Stephen Charnock (1628-1680): Divine Commands Presuppose Natural Ability
  6. Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758) on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Inability
  7. Andrew Fuller (1754–1815) on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Inability
  8. Robert Haldane (1764-1842) on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Inability
  9. James Richards (1767-1843) on Ability and Inability
  10. George Payne (1781-1848) on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Power
  11. William R. Weeks (1783-1848) on the Distinction Between Natural Ability and Volition
  12. Archibald Alexander (1772-1851) on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Inability
  13. William Dodsworth (1798-1861) on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Inability Relative to the Death of Christ
  14. Gardiner Spring (1785-1873) on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Inability
  15. Owen Thomas (1812-1891) on Andrew Fuller (1754-1815) on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Inability


  1. AA Hodge (1823-1886) on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Inability
  2. William Shedd (1820-1894) on the Distinction Between Moral and Natural Inability