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Calvin and Calvinism » Double Payment/Double Jeopardy Fallacy (aka Owen’s Trilemma)

Double Payment/Double Jeopardy Fallacy (aka Owen’s Trilemma)

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Double Payment/Double Jeopardy Fallacy (aka Owen’s Trilemma)

  1. Ambrose (337-397): The Double Payment Dilemma Legitimately Applied: Informal Reference
  2. Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) on the Double Payment Fallacy
  3. Zachary Ursinus (1534-1583) on Conditional Satisfaction (Contra the Double-Payment dilemma)
  4. John Davenant (1572–1641) and the Double Payment Fallacy
  5. Gryffith Williams (1589?-1672) on Conditional Satisfaction (Contra the Double-Payment dilemma)
  6. Edward Polhill (1622-1694) on the Double Jeopardy/Double Payment fallacy
  7. James Fraser of Brea (1639-1698) on the Double Payment Fallacy
  8. Nathanael Hardy (1618-1670) on Conditional Satisfaction (Contra the Double-Payment dilemma)
  9. Thomas Watson (1620-1686) on Conditional Satisfaction (Contra Owen’s Double Payment Trilemma)
  10. Joseph Bellamy (1719-1790) on the Double Jeopardy Fallacy
  11. Timothy Dwight (1752-1817) on the Double Payment Fallacy
  12. Edward D. Griffin (1770-1837) on the Double Payment Fallacy
  13. Ralph Wardlaw (1779-1853) on the Double Payment Fallacy
  14. Leonard Woods (1774-1854) on the Double Payment Fallacy
  15. Charles Hodge (1797-1878) on the Double Payment/Double Jeopardy Fallacy
  16. W.G.T. Shedd (1820-1894) on Double Jeopardy and Double Payment
  17. The Double Payment Dilemma Legitimately Applied, by way of Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758) and W.G.T. Shedd (1820-1894)
  18. Robert Dabney (1820-1898) on the Double Payment Fallacy
  19. Alan C. Clifford on the Double Payment Fallacy (An Evaluation of John’s Owen’s Trilemma Argument)
  20. Neil Chambers on John Owen’s (1616-1683) Unbelief as a Sin Atoned For
  21. Carl Trueman on John Owen’s Double-Payment Dilemma