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Calvin and Calvinism » Blog Archive » Richard Baxter (1615-1691) on the Synod of Dort and the Death of Christ


And because it is this synod purposely called against Arminianism, that is the best discovery what is to be accounted Arminian or anti-Arminian doctrine, as I think, by consenting to it, I do clear myself from that calumny with all men of conscience and reason that know it, so I shall think that those who go as much on the other hand, and differ from the synod one way, as much as the Arminians did the other way, remain censurable as well as they; till some body shall convince me that there is but one extreme in this case, and that a man may hold what he will without danger, so he be but sure it go far enough from Arminianism. A man that holds to the moderate of Dort, need not say that Christ did not die or satisfy for all men, nor need he trouble himself with presumptuous determinations about many mysteries of the decrees of God, which many volumes are guilty of. Nor does he need to aver the necessity of immediate physical efficient predetermination of God (as the first cause) of every second cause natural and free, as without which they cannot act. Nor need he say, that God so predetermined to the act which is sin, and not to the sinfulness of the act. Nor need he subscribe to all that Dr. Twisse, or Mr. Rutherford, or such like, have written on these points. Nay, as the synod, so our own assembly gave an example of modesty in these points, to them that will follow it, not only silencing many things which others make the pillars of anti-Arminianism, but expressing that the “will is endued by God with a natural liberty, that is neither forced, nor by any absolute necessity of nature determined to do good or evil,” and, therefore, they never tell you that God as the first cause must of natural necessity determine the means will by physical immediate premotion, before it can act either good or evil. But they reserve the honor of determining man’s will to special grace, “Renewing the will, and by almighty power determining it to that which is good (c 10. Sect. 1. And c.9. Sect. 1.).

Richard Baxter, Richard Baxter’s Confession of Faith (London: Printed by R.W. for Tho. Underhil, and Fra. Tyton, and are to be sold at the Anchor and Bible in Pauls Church-yard, and at the three Daggers in Fleetstreet, 1665), 25-26. [Some reformatting, some spelling modernized; and underlining mine.]

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