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Calvin and Calvinism » Blog Archive » Johann Heinrich Alsted (1588-1638) (Nassau-Wetteravia Delegate to Dort) on the Death of Christ


Censure: Christ is the expiation for the sins of the whole world as far as it pertains to the worth and sufficient price (lutron). But by reason of the efficiency and the giving of faith by him, adjoining the gratuitous election of God, he is the savior only of the elect. Jn. 10.15. Other [places] in Scripture Christ is said to have died for all (1 Tim. 2.6; Heb 2.9); and for many, viz. the elect, for the sons of God and for believers. Matt. 20.28; John 17.9, 19; Rom 3.22; which containing an apparent contradiction to be removed, it ought to be represented that Christ is said to have died for all in three ways: First, he has effectually died for all his sheep. Jn. 10.15. And in these all and alone is there a certain special universality as it is in the writings of Ambrose book 1 De Vocatione Gentium chapter 3. The apostle expresses this universality of believers (Rom. 3.22). Second, in certain places of Scripture by means of the expression “all” a universal and indeterminate object of the death of Christ is understood: Which are all men without exception of a nation, condition, and sex. So that, therefore, by this phrase the extent of grace in the New Testament is indicated. Finally, Christ is said to die for all men if the sufficiency or magnitude of the price is considered. Of course, the death of the Son of God and spotless lamb is an unparalleled, perfect, and sufficient price, sufficient for all the sins of the whole world to be expiated and erased: by which all reprobates are sufficiently rendered inexcusable.

Johann Heinrich Alsted, Theologia Polemica: Exhibens Praecipuas Huius Aevi In Religionis Negotio Controversias Septem in Partes Tributa (Hanau: Conrad Eifrid, 1620), 619.

[Credit to Michael Lynch for the translation.]

[Latin: Censura. Christus est expiatio pro peccatis totius mundi, quantum ad dignitatem et sufficientiam λύτρον attinet. Sed ratione efficaciae, et donatae ab ipso fidei, iuxta gratuitam Dei electionem, nonnisi electorum est saluator. Johann. 10. vers. 15. Caeterum in scriptura Christus dicitur mortuus pro omnibus 1 Timoth. 2. vers. 6. Hebr. 2. vers. 9. et pro multis, videlicet electis, filiis Dei et credentibus. Matth 20. v. 28. Johann. 17. vers. 9.19. Rom 3. vers. 22. Quod ἐναντῐοφᾰνες ut tollatur, tenendum est, Christum pro omnibus dici mortuum tripliciter. Principio efficaciter mortuus est pro omnibus suis ouibus. Johann. 10 ves. 15. Atque in his omnibus et solis est quaedam specialis universitas ut est apud Ambrosium lib. 1 de vocat, gent. c. 3. Universitarem illam credentium Apostolus exprimit Rom. 3. vers. 22. Deinde in quibusdam scripturae locis per vocem Omnes intelligitur obiectum indeterminatum et universale mortis Christi: quod sunt omnes homines, sine exceptione populorum, conditionis et sexus: ita ut hac phrasi amplitudo gratiae in N. T. significetur. Denique pro omnibus Christus dicitur mortuus, si spectetur sufficientia seu pretii magnitudo. Mors quippe Filii Dei, agnique immaculati, est unicum, perfectum, et sufficiens λύτρον expiandis et delendis omnibus totius mundi peccatis sufficiens: qua sufficientia omnes reprobi redduntur inexcusabiles.] [Working translatoin, Michael Lynch.]

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