
Paul Bayne on Ephesian 2:3

   Posted by: CalvinandCalvinism   in Ephesians 2:3


By nature
wrath abides
on all.

Observe again, what is the state of men by nature, they are such on whom the wrath of God abides. We are from the very conception and birth, such on whom God’s indignation is poured out, yea such on whom the full vials of God’s wrath are poured out, together with our being God’s answer towards us, as in ourselves considered. Let us take notice of the evils which do accompany us from birth, that we may understand better that we are indeed children of wrath.

1. We are born such from whom God is separated; “Your sins have separated twixt you and your God,” “we are strangers to God from the womb,” [Esai. 59.2; Psal. 58.3].

2. We are given up to Satan; children of the Devil, of darkness, under the power of the Devil the Prince of darkness, and are in all kinds of darkness, of ignorance; “none understand, none seek after God” [Psal. 14.2]:Darkness of lists and ungodliness; darkness of condition; God’s anger abides on all that doe not believe; O most dismal cloud!

3. We are subject to every curse in this life, whether spiritual or corporal.

4. To death temporal.

5. To death eternal.

How comes all this to pass? Because we are all by nature sinful, together with our beings, we are defiled, we are sinners, and so “come short of the glory of God,” [Rom. 3.24.].

We further affirm that all of us are sinners deserving wrath for the lust and proneness that is in us to do evil: This also they grant to go with original sin, and to be a consequent of it; but they will not have it sin properly, to which wrath belongs.

It rebukes such as shift off and slight over their sins; we hope we are not the worst, we live homely, neighborly, and quietly, doing as we would be done by; for the Devil, we desire him; for the curse and hell we hope God will be merciful. These men would make them be persuaded their case is worse then it is: But these persons shall know one day experimentally, our reports come far short of the matter. Who knows the power of thy wrath? None but the damned. Believe it, and so avoid the mischief.

Source:  Paul Bayne, An Entire Commentary VPon the Whole Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians, (London: Printed by M.F. for R. Milbourne, and I. Barlet, 1643), 210. [Some spelling modernized, underlining added, some reformatting, marginal Scripture references included inline, and marginal comments not included.]

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