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Calvin and Calvinism » Divine Permission of Sin

Divine Permission of Sin

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Divine Permission of Sin

  1. The Second Helvetic Confession (1561) on Divine Permission of Sin
  2. Sin and Permission in the The Hungarian Confessio Catholica (1562)
  3. Archbishop James Ussher: The Irish Articles on Divine Permission of Sin
  4. The Westminster Confession on Divine Permission of Sin
  5. Thomas Aquinas on Divine Permission of Sin
  6. Thomas Aquinas: God Does Not Will Evil
  7. John Calvin (1509-1564) on God’s Willing Permission of Sin (A Selection of Relevant Comments)
  8. Heinrich Bullinger (1504–1575): God Does Not Will Evil
  9. Zachary Ursinus (1534–1583) on God’s Permission of Sin
  10. John Marbeck (ca. 1510-ca.1585): God is not the Author or Proper Cause of Sin
  11. Hermann Rennecher (1550 b.) on God’s Willing Permission of Sin
  12. Jean Taffin on Providence and Permission
  13. Bucanus on Divine Permission of Sin
  14. Amandus Polanus on Divine Permission of Sin
  15. Johannes Wollebius on the Permissive Decree
  16. Synopsis Purioris Theologiae (1625) on God’s Providence With Regard to Sin and Divine Permission
  17. George Walker (1581–1651) (Westminster Divine) on Divine Permission of Sin
  18. Thomas Blake (1596-1657) on Reprobation and the Cause of Sin, by way of William Ames, Franciscus Gomarus, John Prideaux and John Ball
  19. Edward Leigh on God’s Governance of Sin
  20. Joseph Truman (1631–1671) on God’s Permissive Decree and the Salvation of Men
  21. Turretin on God’s Providence Over Sin
  22. Benedict Pictet (1655-1724) on God’s Governance of Sin
  23. Experience Mayhew (1673-1758) on Divine Permission of Sin
  24. John Brown of Haddington (1722-1787) on Divine Permission
  25. Heinrich Heppe Divine Permission of Sin as Standard Reformed Doctrine
  26. AA Hodge (1823-1886) on God’s Permission of Sin and Evil
  27. Henry B. Smith (1815-1877) on Divine Permission of Sin
  28. Geerhardus Vos (1862-1949) on God’s Permissive Decree