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Calvin and Calvinism » The Classic “Sufficient for all, Efficient for the elect” and its Revision

The Classic “Sufficient for all, Efficient for the elect” and its Revision

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The Classic “Sufficient for all, Efficient for the elect” and its Revision

I. Classic

  1. Peter Lombard (1100-1160) on the Death of Christ: Christ died for All Sufficiently, for the Elect Efficiently
  2. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) on 1 Timothy 2:5 and Christ’s Sufficient Universal Redemption
  3. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death
  4. John Calvin (1509-1564) on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death
  5. Peter Martyr Vermigli (1499-1563) on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death
  6. Zachary Ursinus (1534–1583) on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death
  7. Jeremias Bastingius (1551-1595) on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death
  8. William Bucanus (d. 1603) on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death
  9. Arthur Dent (died 1607): Christ Died for all Sufficiently
  10. The Counter Remonstrance (1611) [Hague Conference] on the Sufficiency of the Death of Christ
  11. Robert Abbot (1560-1617) on the Universal and Sufficient of Redemption of Christ
  12. John Overall (1559-1619) on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death
  13. David Paraeus (1548-1622) on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death
  14. Elnathan Parr (1577-1622) on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death
  15. William Fenner (1600-1640) on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Satisfaction
  16. John Davenant (1572–1641) on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death
  17. James Ussher (1581-1656) on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Death
  18. Nathanael Hardy (1618-1670) on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death
  19. Thomas Watson (1620-1686) on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death
  20. Richard Baxter (1615-1691) on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Death
  21. Edward Polhill (1628-1694) on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Death with Regard to the Offer of the Gospel
  22. Experience Mayhew (1673-1758) on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Death
  23. William R. Weeks (1783-1848) on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Death Classically Defined and Defended
  24. Charles Hodge (1797-1878) on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Satisfaction: As Classically Defined
  25. Robert L. Dabney (1820-1898) on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Satisfaction: As Classically Defined

II. Transitional

  1. William Perkins (1558-1602) on the Revised Sufficient-Efficient Formula
  2. Nicholas Byfield (1579-1622) on the Sufficiency of Christ Death For All
  3. William Sclater (1575-1627) on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death
  4. John Ball (1585-1640) on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death
  5. William Lyford (1598-1653) on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Death
  6. Pierre Du Moulin (1568-1658) on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death

III. Revised

  1. The Leiden Synopsis on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Satisfaction
  2. Johannes Wollebius (1586-1629) on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Satisfaction
  3. Hezekiah Holland (1638-1661) on the Revised Sufficient-Efficient Formula
  4. William Troughton (1614?-1677?) on the Revised Sufficient-Efficient Formula
  5. Thomas Calvert (1606-1679) on the Revision of the Sufficient-Efficient Formula
  6. Samuel Clarke (1599-1682) on the Revised Sufficient-Efficient Formula
  7. John Owen (1616-1683) on the Revision of the Sufficient-Efficient Formula
  8. Francis Turretin (1623-1687) on the Revised Sufficient-Efficient Formula
  9. Joseph Perkins (b. 1658) on the Revised Sufficient-Efficient Formula
  10. Herman Witsius (1636-1708) on the Revised Sufficient-Efficient Formula
  11. Francis Makemie (1658-1708) on the Revised Sufficient-Efficient Form
  12. Abraham Booth (1734-1806) on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Death
  13. James Walker (1821-1891) on the Revision of the Sufficient-Efficient Formula
  14. William Cunningham (1805-1861) on the Revision of the Sufficient-Efficient Formula
  15. Heinrich Heppe (1820-1879) A Brief Survey of the Sufficient-Efficient Formula
  16. A.A. Hodge (1823-1886) on the Revision of the Sufficient-Efficient Formula
  17. Arthur W. Pink (1886-1952) on the Radically Revisied “Sufficiency of Christ’s Satisfaction” Formula
  18. Louis Berkhof (1873-1957) Acknowledging the Change of Language in the Sufficient-Efficient Formula
  19. R.C. Sproul (1939-) on the Revised Sufficiency-Efficiency Formula